The information provided in this report was collected from the membership between January and March 2018; with 287 respondents participating.
Section 1 provides the responses to the survey questions in either graphical or tabular format. The number of responses to each question is noted under each chart or table. This number varies for each question because not all respondents provided an answer to every question. Section 2 provides cross-analysis of the data to determine correlations between wages, industry, experience, and training.
The sample group was limited to those members who have their email addresses registered with the AETTNL office.
This survey was conducted by volunteers with AETTNL and this report is also produced by volunteers from the membership. No statistics professional was employed or consulted during the survey period or the drafting of this report and this report is made available without bias, manipulation, or interpretation. As such, the reader accepts all liability for the use of this report and AETTNL will not be held accountable for any damages resulting from its use.