AETTNL Fall Vol. 3 – October 25, 2018
- AGM Registration and Proxy
- Annual AETTNL Membership Renewals
Last Week to Register!!
AETTNL 50th Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Proxy
Only a week left to resister for our 50th AGM. On Friday, November 2, 2018, there will be an Opening Reception and the AGM on Saturday, November 3, following the meeting there will be an Awards Luncheon. Please register at, where you will also find the Proxy Vote Form for your completion and return to All proxies will be decided by the President unless otherwise assigned. Please see the AETTNL website for more information.
2018/19 AETTNL Membership Renewals
2018/19 AETTNL Membership Renewals have all been sent, if you have not gotten yours or if you need to update your information, please contact the office. Your prompt payment will be greatly appreciated and for those who have already paid thank you!