Congratulations to the College of the North Atlantic on the continued high standards in their accredited programs.
Engineering programs continue accreditation to 2020
CORNER BROOK, NL – College of the North Atlantic (CNA) was recently notified that five of its Engineering Technology programs has had a successful review and will continue to be accredited until March 2020.
Among the list of programs that underwent a full accreditation review by the Canadian Technology Accreditation Board (CTAB) were: Architectural Engineering Technology, Geomatics/Surveying Engineering Technology (Co-op), Electrical Engineering Technology Power and Controls (Co-op), Electronics Engineering Technology (Biomedical) – Ridge Road campus, and Civil Engineering Technology (Co-op) – Corner Brook campus.
Brent Howell, CNA’s Dean of Engineering Technology & Natural Resources, has been directly involved in the full accreditation review process since March 2017, when the reports were initially submitted by the college to CTAB.
Part of the review process involves site visitations to campuses where programs are offered; in this case, Ridge Road in St. John’s and Corner Brook. The five programs had originally been accredited for more than 10 years with audits conducted every three years, and 2017 marked a threshold requirement which warranted physical inspections before accreditation extensions could be rendered.
“All five accreditation reviews were very positive reports, and the CTAB review teams were extremely pleased with the engineering programs that we offer,” Howell said. “Accreditation carries weight and signals that our program meets the national standards that are established by an independent body.”
The accreditation review teams that visited Corner Brook and Ridge Road campuses were impressed with program resources, facilities, faculty and students.
“We want to make sure we continue to meet and exceed these accreditation standards,” Howell continued. “I would like to acknowledge the significant effort that faculty members within these engineering programs made to ensure respective site visits went smoothly. Additionally, I would like to acknowledge the high level of professionalism and dedication that all faculty and staff displayed during these respective visits. This was noted by the review teams in each instance.”
Students and graduates will also benefit from the college’s ongoing accreditation distinction, added Howell, in that having this designation is a requirement in order for them to avail of other institutions that have articulation agreements with CNA.
“We were told that our programs in each instance were rock solid and are hitting all the right areas. They believe employers who hire our graduates will also be extremely happy with the results of the skills they have acquired through our engineering programs,” Howell said.
For more information about programs under the School of Engineering Technology & Natural Resources, visit:
Media contact:
Michelle Jesso
Communications Specialist
College of the North Atlantic